Great image of Ireland

Nations go through huge social upheavals as they adapt to the ever-changing world scene. The Republic of Ireland is one such; successfully independent from the United Kingdom for close on 100 years, modern Ireland is a secure part of the European Union. Internationally admired for its warm hospitality, its music, its literary giants and well-educated vibrant people, today, as the proposal to legalise same-sex marriage is about to be decided by a national referendum on 22nd May 2015, Ireland stands at the crossroads.
The imminent referendum is about giving equal rights to same-sex partnerships as presently exist between a married man and woman. There has been a strong demand for this equality and it looks to be a fair and compassionate response to grant it. Compared with 30 or 40 years ago, Ireland has become a very pluralistic nation, used to the idea of welcoming and accommodating people with their own beliefs and cultures from around the world. And when we think how religious influence, once extremely strong is now quite shallow, and how once taboo issues like LGTB life-styles, are openly discussed, what a change! Welcome to the Ireland of 2015.
Clearly, secular views are becoming dominant and there is a perception that a 'traditional' view of marriage is a strict religious construct that needs to be deconstructed and made available to same-sex partners in a new-look format. What this overlooks is that traditional marriage has been established in many wide-ranging cultures for thousands of years, and as such, is not only a Christian belief, but grounded in the inherent complementary nature of men and women. Christians believe marriage was ordained by God right back at the beginning, but it's as well to recall that marriage is not a 'church' creation, but something special, given to the whole human family.
Christians who accept the authority of Scripture as God's word, believe; 'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them' (Gen. 1:27). Our uniquely wonderful humanity, where male and female complement each another, is not an accident of evolution, or a product of an ever-adapting society, but the creative climax of the all-wise Personal Creator, who has defined the marriage relationship, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh' (Gen. 2:24). This is the foundational biblical teaching on marriage and the family, and the basis for a secure home and a well-ordered society.
However, we live in times when the boundaries have become blurred, when people who still believe the traditional view of marriage feel they ought to show compassion to the many voices calling for equality and same-sex marriage. How should we react - is this really compassion? Christian belief calls us to show understanding and deep compassion to all people, while it sees same-sex marriage as a confusion of God-given identities. However, an increasingly secularised Irish Government desires to treat all citizens equally, including minorities, in areas of morality that, in this instance, are in clear breach of biblical Christian teaching. The Irish Government is simply not authorised to request a 'yes' vote, hoping to take the moral institution God has ordained and offer it to same-sex partners to give them an equal standing with traditional marriage.

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